The words of Dream Boudoir were not imagined for the sake of public consumption or commerce and almost remained unpublished - hoarded away in boxes and shrouded in cardboard silence.
The words were inspired, borne from moments so indescribably rich in deliciousness and rapturous splendor, yielding the sweetest music orchestrated by two heartbeats immersed in an intense fever and the melody of flesh singing as desire danced against an endless iridescent sky.
And the poetics that were offered to me, dictated to me through soft kisses, an intoxicating embrace, a marvelous coupling and the nourishing interchange of yielding and givingness were merely translated and transcribed in ink.
Dream Boudoir is an extension of these passionate dreams now bound and etched in syntax; those beautiful, unreal moments have been immortalized, making the dream unending with each turn of the page.